The Commūnicāre Learning Team is made up of innovative, creative, and skilled clinicians working in the fields of speech-language pathology, assistive technology, psychology, and education. Our clinical practice drives our research, and our team works collaboratively to develop highly relevant content that is applicable and evidence-based.

Nerissa Hall, co-founding partner of Commūnicāre, LLC, is a speech language pathologist and assistive technology practitioner specializing in AAC and tele-AAC. Nerissa received her PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and investigated the effectiveness of concurrent AAC intervention and supervision offered via tele-AAC. Nerissa manages Commūnicāre, LLC and heads Commūnicāre Learning. She offers assessment, intervention and consultation services, presents nationally and internationally on the topics, and teaches at Western Massachusetts colleges. She has published Tele-AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication Through Telepractice and other journal articles. She is an active member of ASHA's SIG 12 and 18, and their AAC Specialty Certification Board.

Hillary Jellison, MS. CCC-SLP, ATP is an Augmentative Communication Specialist and Assistive Technology Practitioner. She is co-founder and manager of Commūnicāre, LLC, a company specializing in augmentative and alternative communication and innovative therapeutic services. Hillary provides specialized consultation, intervention, and training services in the state of Massachusetts. She teaches at Westfield State University, presents in national and international arenas, and has co-authored many publications relating to the fields of AAC and AT. Hillary is an affiliate of ASHA Special Interest Groups 12, Augmentative and Alternative Communication; and 18, Telepractice. She is also a member of the AAC Specialty Certification Board.