At Camp Communicare, each year we access N2Y's Summer theme to help provide a united framework for camp. Each student works on their own individual speech goals while the theme provides a general topic to talk about amongst peers. This year N2Y's summer theme is the At the Amusement Park. This unit will focus on physical science standards (motion, force, etc.) as well as nutrition and recreation and leisure.
We are looking forward to creating our Amusement Park at camp and talking about all of the prepositions and adjectives associated with a fun day at the park.
If you aren't already registered with, register to receive access to the summer theme.
Previous years usually release around May 2nd with the summer content to download and to view the summer theme, once released.
Sign in to your N2Y account and then click on Unique Learning System on the left-hand side of the screen and select Monthly Lessons.
